Sharing my motherhood & breast cancer journey.

There is power when we share our stories that builds connection.

Hi! I'm Trudy. I am wife to Tim, mum to Eliana, breast cancer warrior and a follower of Jesus. My heart is to build a community of encouragement and authenticity through the power of story-telling. I am not sure what that looks like just yet, but I invite you to join me in this journey.

You have been created to shine, so shine bright.

I don't know about you, but the older I get, the more I realise that we all have our own unique quirks that make us who we are.

There is so much uncertainty and injustice in the world today, but there is so much love and beauty to experience in the big and little things of life.

I want you to know that whatever your circumstances and whatever life has thrown at you, that you have been created to shine, so shine bright my friend.

  • "Life is too short to chase anything that does not light a fire inside of you."


  • "Own what makes you different because that's what makes you beautiful."


  • "Life is too short to chase anything that does not light a fire inside of you."
